Saturday, July 26, 2008

Lincoln sites

On Friday and Saturday we went to Springfield Illinois and went on a Lincoln tour! On Friday we went to Lincoln's tomb (which was under construction so we couldn't go upstairs) where he was buried. There were many statues of him and what not. There were three other family members buried with him. Then, we went to his neighborhood where you could tour his house! When Lincoln died his son wanted to make their house a place where people can take FREE tours and learn about him. And that is exactly what they did! There were also two other houses where you could look at other things. They also had a gift shop where you can... well, buy stuff! And they also have this thing were if you press a button, a certain area in this wooden replica of his neighborhood would light up, so you knew where it was and then you can read about it below the button!

Then on Saturday we went to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. It was amazing! I loved it. The first thing we did was check out the Attic which was a little kids corner where even adults can have fun! (The attic is not really in the attic) There was a doll house, Lincoln logs (Link 'n' logs) a little table where there were many old fashion toys and a fake kitchen where you can make food. (The old fashion hard way!) The next thing we did was see a holigraphic film called "Ghosts of the Library", which was about why they keep all that old stuff in the library. Then we saw another movie called "Lincoln's Eyes". All of these movies are FREE just to tell you. "Lincoln's Eyes" has many loud and surprising noises so small children might get scared by the booms and chair shaking. I also suggest you see "Ghosts of the Library" first because "Lincoln's Eyes" is amazing. If you see it first the other film might seem disappointing ("Lincoln's Eyes" might have been a limited time movie, we are not sure so don't get your hopes up). After that we visited the White House! It was full of interesting exhibits.

In these two days I have learned a lot about Lincoln.



Anonymous said...

Hello traveling ladies, this is my first comment, sorry, but my email address is wrong. Bill did finally notice it, and forwarded the blog to me. You're probably starting the route towards home by now. I read all the postings. What an exciting adventure. Mara, you will have lots of history info for the coming school year to use. It'll be a little bit of an edge, on everyone else. Good for you!! Still hoping Bill & I can start some road trips soon. Maybe, our trips will be all the famous golf courses, or ball parks. Continue the safe trip, all the way home. Look forward to hearing more, and seeing some pictures. I never did find Pooh, what happened? I was expecting a daily, where's Pooh siting. Have fun, Love you, Cindy

Anonymous said...

I love Iowa!